Purpose of the game

This game is based on a point system. The goal is to be the last player to reach a score higher than 100. To do this, you must obtain the lowest possible score at the end of each round, the score is calculated by adding up the value of the cards in your hands at the end of each round.

At the end of the different rounds, the respective scores of each player will be added up. The first player to exceed 100 points will be eliminated and the game will continue until there is only one player below the 100 point threshold. 

Value of cards


Each card is equal to the number on its face.


The zero card does not give any points.


The minus card minus one (-1) allows you to deduct one point from your score, remembering that your objective is to have the fewest points possible at the end of each round.


The “pass” card, represented by a cross (X), allows the player who holds it to lay it down without having to draw again. If a player finishes the game with this card in his hand, it is worth fifteen (15) points.

Composition of the game

56 card in total

Jeu de carte noir

a single card (-1)


2 cards (0)

Jeu de carte noir

a single card (X)

Jeu de carte noir

 1 to 13 : 4 cards

Jeu de carte noir

The course of a round

The distribution of the cards: The distribution and play are clockwise The dealer is the youngest or oldest in the group, and determines the number of cards to be distributed ( min 2 and max 7 cards)

Who starts? The person to the left of the dealer starts the game (“player number 1″) The dealer will change with each new round and rotate clockwise.

Start of the game: once the cards have been dealt, the remaining cards forms the deck and is placed faced down. A first card, from this deck, is turned over and placed in the center of the table. The game is played in turn and player n°1 can then start the game. The rule is simple; you must lay down and then draw a card: either the last card turned over on the table, or a card from the deck.

End of the round “Kaël”: When a player thinks that he is in possession of the lowest score this player will say “Kaël”. It can only be said after a round has been completed, and under two conditions:

  • The total of the cards of the player saying “Kaël” must be lower or equal to 5.

  • The player wishing to say Kaël must wait his turn and may not lay down a card at the same time. Saying Kaël is therefore equivalent to playing a turn.

Outcome of a round: Once each player’s cards are revealed, the player who pronounced Kaël reveals his or her own in turn. Several possibilities:

  • The player who uttered Kaël has the lowest score: he wins the round. The other players are awarded the points corresponding to the sum of their card values.

  • The player who says Kaël has a score equal to or higher than another player: he loses the round and is automatically awarded 20 points. The other players win the round and are awarded no points.

Once Kaël has been said, the other players must finish the turn. When it is the turn of the person who said Kaël, all players reveal their cards.

If one of the players who did not say Kaël has no cards left when his opponent says it, he is obliged to play and therefore to draw a card again.

End of the game: The points are added up in each round. The first player to reach 100 points loses. There are steps to go backwards. If, At the end of each round a player’s total score adds up to 25 / 50 / 75 / 100, he will automatically have his score reduced by 25 points.

If a player pronounces Kaël when his score is higher than 5 points, he will get a 20 points penalty and will no longer be able to benefit from the landings until the end of the game. If the same player repeats the mistake, he will be eliminated from the game. 

How to play ?

Depositing in pairs: Cards can be deposited in pairs or triples. In these cases, the player draws only one card. As you can see, laying down by pairs or triples allows you to discard your cards.

Laying down by quadruples (forming squares): When laid down by quadruples, the player does not have to draw again. The quadruple can appear in several cases:

  • Either the quadruple is held directly in your hand,

  • Or the quadruple can be formed during the game.

For example:

  • If two 10s are deposited in a row (by one or more players) and you have the remaining two, you can ‘cut’ by depositing them, even if it is not your turn to play!

  • If three 10s are laid down in a row (by one or more players) and you hold the last one, you can also “cut” by laying down your card, even if it is not your turn!

Be careful, this cut must be done quickly because if it is not your turn and another player breaks the card chain, you can no longer lay down yours in this way.


Whose turn is it to play after a cut? If a cut is made by a player during a turn, it does not affect the turn of the game. The game resumes as if no one had intervened. For example: in a 4 player game, if player n°3 makes three 10s and player n°1 cuts by making the last 10, it is player n°4’s turn to continue as if nothing happened.

If the game is still not over and all the cards in the deck have been drawn, the middle cards are reshuffled to create a new deck for the game to continue.

Good draw: when you draw a card identical to the one you have just put down, you can then put it down immediately by saying “Good draw”, before the next player has had time to play. This mechanism allows you to discard a card.

If you have a good draw and only one card left, you continue without a card and your score is 0. You can then choose to say Kaël on the next turn or to draw a card again and you will have to wait until the next turn to put it down. 

If the game is still not over and all the cards from the draw pile have been drawn, the middle cards are reshuffled to create a new draw pile so that the game can continue.